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That One Time I Fell In Love With Running

mindset Aug 15, 2018

In these times of Amazon Prime, News Apps, and Twitter updates, it seems nearly impossible to keep up with what’s going on. Agree?

But ... Here’s a friendly reminder to just be HERE. Hard, I know... as a creative my head is always spinning from one project to another.

Life comes at us faster than ever, but we only really get one moment at a time, and it’s up to us to make the most of each and every one.

So here's what I've been doing lately to start the day off with a clear mind before starting my work day by walking down the staircase to my basement office.

I like to reset my mind on the present with a morning 30 min run. Me run? Before about a month ago, the last time my running career was in action was 20 years ago during high school track meets. But using the Couch to 5K app (free by the way!)... It’s been so invigorating to get up before my house awakes to take to the open fields just outside our subdivision and be able to see the sunrise over the flint hills of our city.

It's been great to stretch myself and get in shape in the meantime while listening to a podcast or audible while running. Double win for getting in some personal development.

I hope you always find your "present" mind reset button.

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