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Who Are You Listening To?

business mindset Sep 21, 2018

Today I want to talk about WHO is controlling your decisions…. 

Do you find that It’s important that all your family and friends approve of your goals and choices? The college you attend? Your career? Heck maybe even the car you buy or the neighborhood you choose to live in? 

Rather than being taught to ask ourselves who we are, what we want... we are trained to ask others for permission, right? 

Should I start this business? Should I wear this? Should I eat that?

Why is that?

We are schooled to live other people’s versions of our lives.  Which means… Every day is designed and developed as told to us by someone else.  “You should go to that school, buy that car, take that job and live in this neighborhood.”

And then one day when we break free to survey OUR dreams, seeking to fulfill ourselves, we see that most of our real dreams have gone unfulfilled because we believed, and those around us believed, that what we wanted for ourselves was somehow beyond our reach.

Well you can’t be an entrepreneur thats too risky,  you can’t go live in the Caribbean - it’s expensive and too far away from family… you can’t go climb Mount Everest…. it’s takes too much training? You could get hurt…. 

Girl, you belittling YOUR dreams to make others around you feel comfortable is WRONG. 

Let me repeat… you belittling YOUR dreams to make others around you feel comfortable is WRONG. 

Do you remember a time in your life with you spoke your goals and you got a response like these from your family and friends?

Yes, I bet you can…

But what if you DID IT ANYWAY and went for MORE… 

It’s easy to find excuses... but look at all the other people who also have considerable obstacles and have done it anyway. You’ve not missed your chance my friend.

I believe most of us are not raised to actively “seek our calling.”  We may not even know that we have one.  I know when I was choosing a college I just went where my friends at the time were going … I never really considered any other options… but why didn’t I???

As kids, we are seldom told we have a place in life that is uniquely ours alone.  Instead, we are encouraged to believe that our life should somehow fulfill the expectations of others – like when we were little girls and needing the approval that we are cute in our fluffy dress and matching hair bow…. And when we grow older that we should find our happiness exactly as someone else has found theirs.

That we should just go to THAT college because so and so is going there and you can just room with her… and it’s close to home. 


Why do you see others choosing teaching as their profession because their parents were…. Or others being homemakers because that’s what their moms were…. Or even working at the local factory in town because that’s what everyone else did after high School.

But what if thats not really what you want to be doing?

You are choosing that path because it was the easiest… but maybe not the most fulfilling.

So today I’d love for you to make a plan to take action and do something you’ve always wanted to do or become …. Stop looking for approval from everyone around you. Heck, from anyone around you! 

This is your life, not someone else's and the only one you get.

Your dreams matter and yes FEAR will set in but listen to your gut for MORE, hear God’s nudges and take action on them.

I wish I would’ve  “found my self” earlier… and de-tached myself from everyone else suggesting to me what I should be doing…. Truth be told… I believe I leaned way to much on the opinions of friends growing up… Why? Because then I would fit in and at the time that felt safer.

Thankfully my parents are entrepreneurs and that spirit was inside of me that I just had to dust off a few times and keep giving it a go to find my true self! 

Always remember your obstacles can be overcome! New things can always be learned…

So never assume that you’re stuck with the way things are.  

Life changes, and so can you.  It’s never too late to live a life that makes you proud and has purpose. Because that’s what matters.

It takes courage to grow wiser and become who you really are.  And today is the first day of the rest of your life because I'm giving you permission to want, be and give more!


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